Cold & Sara

Cold & Sara

A young woman mourns a tragic loss while her sister relentlessly tries to lighten her spirits. Brenna Power directs “Cold & Sara,” a dramatic character study on grief and sisterhood that pinpoints a period of raw emotion. In a state of shock after the death of a close friend, Emmy doesn’t feel much like talking, despite her well-meaning older sister’s show of care and support. Attempting to open a line of communication, Sara tracks Emmy through the house offering article recommendations and techniques for coping while Emmy remains locked in a state of jittery speechlessness that can quickly move into anger when, for instance, a zipper sticks, or the shower head won’t engage. With its escalating tension and effective performances, the film captures a sibling dynamic in a heated moment of real-time processing. -KA. Writer, Director & Editor: Brenna Power. Cast: Sophia Power, Brenna Power. DP: Haley Watson, Production Company: Cascadia Entertainment, Producer: Larson Rainier, Assistant Director: Sidney Rubinowicz, Sound Designers: Jared Blizzard and Michael Capuano, Colorist: Jenn Gittings.

Cold & Sara
  • Cold & Sara

    A young woman mourns a tragic loss while her sister relentlessly tries to lighten her spirits. Brenna Power directs “Cold & Sara,” a dramatic character study on grief and sisterhood that pinpoints a period of raw emotion. In a state of shock after the death of a close friend, Emmy doesn’t feel mu...
