This Is Alice
Directed by Lauren Rothery
This stylish super 8mm film poem by director Lauren Rothery is a lovely, wistful portrait of Alice, her joys, anxieties, the way she looks when she’s a little drunk. A French-speaking narrator introduces us to the woman as we watch simple moments throughout her day, the voice remarks on her feelings of emptiness, anger, love, mortality and pop songs. Character impressions give way to philosophical musings about the connection between words and emotions. If we don’t have a word for a feeling, does it exist? Rothery directed the wonderful 2016 short, “Shelly”, and here she continues her search for the evocative and dreamy. Both films star Maddison Rothery, an enchanting presence, and feature gorgeous, free-floating images and score. -KA.
Writer/Director/Editor: Lauren Rothery. Alice: Maddison Rothery. Narrator/Translator: Juliette Seydoux. DP: Dominic Haydn Rawle. Score: Jeff Melanson.
Up Next in Directed by Lauren Rothery
Shelly is a peculiar young woman making a movie about a seahorse named Imogen. She picks up footage at the local aquarium and in her Brooklyn apartment while pursuing a deep sea diving certificate, so she can record the seahorses in their natural environment. We don’t quite trust the intentions o...