Welcome to the Enclave
Most Viewed 2024
Animation, Short Films, 02-Mar-2023
Two sisters fight to save their digital utopia from demise. “Welcome to the Enclave,” directed by Sarah Lasley, is an inventive experimental animation framed as an absurdist crowdfunding video. The Enclave is a virtual street created by a woman named Moni, but at the moment she’s under attack from internet hackers who have changed her road signs to say “Fuck You”, and splattered her walls with sexually explicit videos. Together with her sister, she desperately looks for a way to save her patch of e-serenity by raising money online. Lasley’s film is a delirious exploration of technological “progress” that paints the metaverse as one large opportunity for chaos. A fascinating compendium of design flaws, errors, glitches, and oddities that punctures any optimistic read of where digital realms are leading us. -KA. Director: Sarah Lasley. Actor: Brenna Palughi. Sound Mix: Branden Brown.
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