

Traveling the continental United States, two vagabond thieves rob from sick, twisted sexual deviants. Griffin Sauter directs “Mousetrap,” an experimental road film following two drifters as they traverse a crude American landscape. From warehouse to ghost town, the two partners front as a “critter-stomping” peep-show for creeps who get aroused by animal abuse. After wrangling the lowlifes into a room, the theft occurs. Washington to Colorado, Indiana to Wisconsin, and Arkansas to Alabama, we observe these two youthful bandits in their effort to get by and refuse any conformity. However, their ventures gets them caught up in a tense showdown with a stranger they decided to trust. With minimal dialogue and a great soundtrack, this Super 8mm film remains captivating and clear throughout as it celebrates the formal qualities of adventurous, transgressive filmmaking. -JM. Director, DP, Editor: Griffin Sauter. Producer: Frankie Latina. Cast: Darling Vargas, Parker Kuehl, Frank Holmes. AD: Frank Holmes.

  • Mousetrap

    Traveling the continental United States, two vagabond thieves rob from sick, twisted sexual deviants. Griffin Sauter directs “Mousetrap,” an experimental road film following two drifters as they traverse a crude American landscape. From warehouse to ghost town, the two partners front as a “critte...
