Mush Luv

Mush Luv

Two young men based in Minneapolis spend the day foraging at a local park for mushrooms. “Mush Luv,” directed by N’namdi Andersen, is a short documentary offering a low-key glimpse into the world of mushrooming and the intimate experiences with nature that come with it. Tony and Ajani meander through the woods searching for mushrooms. As they look for various species to harvest, we learn about their specific relationships with nature and themselves. With an atmospheric score and vivid images, the film remains pure and grounded in capturing a shared passion. -JM. Director/DP/Editor: N’namdi Andersen. Cast: Tony Cineus, Ajani Rowland.

Mush Luv
  • Mush Luv

    Two young men based in Minneapolis spend the day foraging at a local park for mushrooms. “Mush Luv,” directed by N’namdi Andersen, is a short documentary offering a low-key glimpse into the world of mushrooming and the intimate experiences with nature that come with it. Tony and Ajani meander thr...
