Drama, Short Films, Comedy, 13-Jan-2021
A mysterious woman finds her way into a stranger’s apartment resulting in an oddly unsettling encounter. India Donaldson directs “Hannahs,” a darkly funny, increasingly uncomfortable character study led by two wonderfully nuanced performances from Amy Zimmer and Brenna Palughi. Hannah returns home from work one day to find a woman loitering outside her apartment claiming she’s there to see a friend next door. When the woman is still around hours later, Hannah allows her into her apartment to charge her phone. We come to find out this woman’s name is also Hannah, and once inside seems to get a bit too comfortable, touching things, offering to cook eggs, etc. As the night wears on, there are more questions than answers about the authenticity of her story and her intentions. Zimmer and Palughi have a fascinating push-pull chemistry and Donaldson captures them generously with rich, naturalistic 16mm visuals. -KA. Writer & Director, India Donaldson. Starring Amy Zimmer, Brenna Palughi. Director of Photography, Wilson Cameron. Editor, Sophie Corra. Composer, Celia Hollander. Title Design, Tracy Ma.
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