Starshine Mountain
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Animation, Short Films, 01-Mar-2021
A colorful animated tale of a one-eyed woman and the guilt she feels after destroying her home planet. “Starshine Mountain,” directed by Corrinne James, is a wonderfully imaginative fairy tale / creation myth that begins with a cataclysmic series of events. Odette is a scientist on Earth who one day arrives to find a jar of 22 moths missing from her laboratory. It turns out the moths have discovered a way to lift themselves up while confined and fly away. When they make it to the highest cloud in the sky, they come across a one-eyed woman who frees them from their jar, and they live happily for a period. But an unforeseen accident involving a destructive red stone threatens their livelihoods and forces them to find a new home. A fantastical journey that spans the cosmos and millions of years, James’ film offers a mixed-media adventure teeming with emotion and metaphor. -KA. Directed by Corrinne James.
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