The South
In the mountains of North Carolina, a young boy lives with his troubled mother. “August” directed by Cameron Morton, is a slice-of-life portrait of rural living that merges into a heavy family drama of lost innocence. Spending his days zipping around on this bike or feeding his dog cereal, the kid is mostly left to his own devices. And it might seem idyllic if not for a dark undercurrent — his close relationship with his mom, though, is complicated by her relationship to another man, and is characterized by painful outbursts and abusive cycles. Brimming with intimacy and intensity, Morton’s film renders lived-in poignancy from rich visuals and natural performances. -KA.
Directed by Cameron Morton. Cast: Thomas Miller & Erin Ownbey. Director of Photography: Matthew Roveto. Editor: João Marcos Machado. Sound Design: Will Mayo. Production Design: Tij D'oyen. Costume Design: Andrew Walsh. Producers: Cameron Morton & Matthew Roveto.
Up Next in The South
A hybrid of documentary and fiction, "Rukus" is a queer coming of age story set in the liminal spaces of furry conventions, southern punk houses, and virtual worlds. Brett Hanover directs and stars in this layered feature-length investigation - 8 years in the making - into identity and undergroun...
The Meteor
An alternate history, or impending future, that imagines a catastrophic meteor strike in Kansas triggering odd disorders for those who breathe in a mysterious green mist. We're given three such stories, one of a Texas man who finds himself with superhuman strength, another, of a Brooklyn photogra...
Holy Moses
A peculiar miracle binds together a pregnant nun in 1960s Ireland and a gas station attendant 25 years later in West Texas. | Directed by Eli Powers. Cast: Amanda Seyfried, Philip Ettinger, Thomas Sadoski, Dan Bakkedahl.