Scratch Offs
$500 or less
Travis scratches off lottery tickets everyday out of routine, never thinking about how scary it'd be to actually win. “Scratch Offs,” directed by Andrew Lewis, is an intriguing piece of slow cinema, notable for its deadpan depiction of a young man who appears to have just won a million dollars and feels nothing. We begin on a four minute stationary shot of Travis sitting near a window in front of a tiny TV scratching off a lottery ticket. When he discovers he’s a big winner, he has no reaction, at least not until his friend comes over, a fellow Walmart Security Guard, who “drops some truth” about what actually happens to lottery winners. We featured Lewis earlier this year with “Going to the Store,” another wild card experimental film about the gas station lifestyles of small-time midwesterners. Directed by Andrew Lewis. Written by and starring Andrew Lewis and Travis Reynolds.
Up Next in $500 or less
An experimental dance film merging melancholy with silliness, “Fragile,” by director Kearston Hawkins-Johnson, follows a ballerina through unlikely spaces, reacting unpredictably. Masked with a paper bag, allowing anonymity and protection, the woman dances alone in an abandoned building, and then...
South X
When a music agent comes calling with a potential gig, the proposal quickly goes south…by southwest. An insider jab at the indie music biz, “South X,” is a wholly accurate and sadly funny depiction of the life of a struggling musician. Directed by JP Olsen. Cast: Tomek Miernowski, Chris Morrissey.
Hannah: A Model
Hannah is an Australian model living a perfect life in L.A., except when she chooses to be “bad”. In this parody profile, directed by Blair Beeken, we get a light-hearted jab at the ultra beautiful, healthy, and self-absorbed. Mollie Merkel writes and stars as the Instagram model with a penchant ...