Walk Out Nice and Smooth

Walk Out Nice and Smooth

Thirteen year old Dani, and their mother, Anne, embark on an all-day odyssey to flip a stolen laptop. Kerry O'Neill directs “Walk Out Nice and Smooth,” a coming-of-age comedy-drama observing the dynamics and tensions between a swindling mother and her stressed-out child in Los Angeles. Anne, played charismatically by NoBudge regular Kate Adams, and her teen, Dani (Riley St. John), wait outside Best Buy with a loose plan in hand. After a successful heist, the two bandits roam L.A. in an attempt to make a hasty sale while Dani nervously texts with a friend about securing fake IDs, an opportunity that is slipping away as the day goes on. Adams plays Anne with an old-school flair and the film is filled with verve and momentum, similar energetically to O'Neill's previous short, "Bea at Rehab." -JM. Director: Kerry O'Neill. Cast: Riley St. John, Kate Adams, Susan Berger, DeMorge Brown, David Brown, Kendra Uncut, Jayson Cuevas. DP: Arlene Muller Editor: Joey Izzo.

Bea at Rehab: https://www.nobudge.com/videos/bea-at-rehab

Walk Out Nice and Smooth
  • Walk out Nice and Smooth

    Thirteen year old Dani, and their mother, Anne, embark on an all-day odyssey to flip a stolen laptop. Kerry O'Neill directs “Walk Out Nice and Smooth,” a coming-of-age comedy-drama observing the dynamics and tensions between a swindling mother and her stressed-out child in Los Angeles. Anne, play...


  • Meet the Director: Kerry O'Neill ("Walk out Nice and Smooth")

  • Bea at Rehab

    After being abandoned at a rehab by her mother, young Bea is forced to evade authority figures and fend for herself. Kerry O’Neill directs “Bea at Rehab,” a tense drama that tracks a girl and her at-the-moment surrogate mother through a desperate whirlwind of a day. To hide her presence at the fa...