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  • Organic Matter

    A group of scavengers navigate a surreal, acid-colored planet in the aftermath of an ecological reckoning. Emily Halaka’s “Organic Matter” is a post-apocalyptic animation made of obscure landscapes, secondary colors, and a whimsical score. The palm-tree-headed scavengers rise from a beach-front p...

  • Telling George

    A young man writes to his maybe-lover from his uncle's castle complex. Fergus Campbell directs, animates, and narrates “Telling George" (2020) and “Telling George Again” (2024), two animated films composed as adult storybooks about a young man’s romantic experiences with art, literature, and recr...

  • Telling George Again

    A young man writes to his maybe-lover from his uncle's castle complex. Fergus Campbell directs, animates, and narrates “Telling George" and “Telling George Again,” two animated films composed as adult storybooks about a young man’s romantic experiences with art, literature, and recreation. Moving...