Familiar Faces
On their first day living together, a young couple experiences ghosts from their past. “Houseplants,” from director Prashanth Kamalakanthan, is an elliptical drama that glimpses into the private life of Alma and Ron, a struggling couple on a vulnerable day. Over time, your partner changes and you change too, says Ron as he unloads boxes from the moving truck, “so the question is: who are you in love with?” As the day progresses, Ron starts to slip into visions of his past, exacerbated by heavy drinking. It's a film that favors atmosphere over exposition, and one that benefits from a tremendously compelling cast, including Zazie Beetz, David Rysdahl, Sophie Traub and Lio Mehiel. With its hazy stylistic flashes and indeterminate movements through time, the film registers as a mysterious tone poem, evocative and fleeting, and boosted by beautiful 16mm visuals courtesy of Jomo Fray, one of the most best young D.P.’s working in the current low-budget sphere. (See also: “Get Out Fast” and “Modern Love”).
Written, Directed, and Edited by Prashanth Kamalakanthan. Produced by Ernest Gold and Ria Tobaccowala. D.P. Jomo Fray. Production Designer: Ntokoze Kunene. Costume Designer: Jessica Harrison.
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